Investor Relations
Fund Regulatory Information
Fund 1
Name of AIF : Ideaspring Capital Fund
Legal Structure of the AIF : Trust
Category : Category I AIF – Venture Capital Fund
SEBI registration Number : IN/AIF1/15-16/0213
Investment Manager : Ideaspring Advisors LLP
Scheme Name : Ideaspring Capital Future Now
Trustee : Vistra ITCL (India) Limited
Fund 2
- Name of AIF : Ideaspring Capital Fund II
- Legal Structure of the AIF : Trust
- Category : Category II AIF
- SEBI registration Number : IN/AIF2/21-22/0898
- Investment Manager : Ideaspring Capital Advisors LLP
- Scheme Name : Ideaspring Capital Future Now II
- Trustee : Vistra ITCL (India) Limited